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Hankook Tire included in the DJSI World for four consecutive years

2019. 09. 17

  • Demonstrating world-class sustainability for four consecutive years at the globally renowned Dow Jones Sustainability Indices
  • The only Asian company in the auto components to be listed in the DJSI World
  • Leading global top-level sustainability with excellent evaluation in the areas of Corporate Citizenship & Philanthropy, Supply Chain Management and Materiality.

Seoul, Korea, 17 September 2019 – Global leading premium tire maker, Hankook Tire (President & CEO Hyun Bum Cho) announced that the company has been listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices World (DJSI World) for four consecutive years, once again proving to be a leading sustainable company in the world.

'2019 DJSI World' included 318 companies, which accounts for 12.6% among the top 2,526 global companies, and only 19 Korean companies were included. Hankook Tire was selected as one of the best companies in the auto components industry and was recognized as a global top-tier sustainable company for four consecutive years. Hankook Tire is the only Asian company in the auto components to be listed in the DJSI World.

In particular, in 2019, Hankook Tire received excellent evaluations in the areas of Corporate Citizenship & Philanthropy, Supply Chain Management and Materiality, recognized for its continuous efforts to improve its sustainability. The company has continuously shared the vision of sustainability with its employees through seven CSR committees within the company, and constantly improved company-wide CSR activities. By setting challenging goals around each committee and collaborating with various stakeholders, Hankook Tire has carried out various CSR activities to spread its positive influence to the society.

Since Hankook Tire enacted specific policies to secure economic, environmental, and social sustainability of natural rubber value chain in 2018, the company has worked with diverse supply chain to improve the quality of life of growers, including human rights, environmental protection, and transparency, and also to improve productivity and the quality of natural rubber. In addition, this year, Hankook Tire was awarded the status of exemplary company at the EU-Korea Emissions Trading Scheme Project, in recognition of its continued efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by operating a dedicated decision-making committee in response to climate change and utilizing internal carbon prices when making internal investment decisions.

Moreover, for biodiversity management and restoration of the ecosystem, Hankook Tire is carrying out a project to protect endangered species in Daejeon through business agreements with six institutions. The company also carries out various corporate philanthropic projects to harmoniously coexist with the local community, such as providing housing support for the less privileged and DreamWith project aimed to strengthen local communities.

Hankook Tire President & CEO Hyun Bum Cho said, “It is such a great honor to be included in the DJSI world, the most influential global index for corporate sustainability and investment for the fourth consecutive year.” He added, “I am delighted that our continued efforts to improve sustainability are being recognized in the global society. We will keep our strong commitment to corporate social responsibility and contribute to the sustainable growth of our society.”

In order to fulfill its responsibility and role as a top-level sustainable company in the rapidly changing global business environment, Hankook Tire will continue to invest and make aggressive efforts to achieve sustainable growth and practical results in each sector of the economy, environment and society.

The DJSI is the most leading global index that assesses corporate sustainability and investment. It awards certificates to outstanding companies by comprehensively evaluating corporate management activities in various aspects such as financial, environmental, ethical and social influence. It was jointly developed by S&P Dow Jones Indices and RobecoSAM.